Located outside of Florence, Italy - Magniflex International is 1 of 2 mattress brands on our floor not locally produced in Washington State, but they do fullfill a demand to offer more environmentally-friendly mattress options. However, it is also a standing joke here at the store that "we can sell them" because the mother of our owners is 100% Italian, complete with the thick accent & attitude - and there is nothing wrong with "supporting the Mother Country". Magniflex is Italy’s #1 mattress manufacturer and one of Europe’s top. Their philosophy is simple – create a mattress with minimal to no carbon footprint – healthy for the consumer and the environment!
Magniflex has patented their own unique proprietary blends of foams & memory foams – with NO OFF-GASSING or ANY allergenic or negative affects on humans or the environment. Using food oils like Aloe Vera & Castor Oil instead of all Petroleum – Magniflex is THE BEST RANKED Eco Mattress in the world!